About winnie kate

about winnie kate

Born on July 2, 2016, Winnie Kate was only six years old when the Lord sovereignly took her from this life and brought her into His arms on September 4, 2022. Her dad, Kyle, and mom, Patricia, along with her brothers, Welles, Bear, and Haddon, praise God for the time with her that He graciously granted to them.
Christian parents who are faithful and intentional in raising their children according to God’s instructions and commands (Deuteronomy 6:1-9; Ephesians 6:1-4) will not be mocked or put to shame. God is ever faithful and abounding in steadfast love. Winnie Kate’s faith in Christ and love for people was growing so beautifully with each new day.
It was common to hear Winnie singing worship songs that she learned at home or at church. Just days before she passed, Winnie was on a walk with her family, skipping and singing, “What is my only hope in life and death? That I am not my own but belong to God” (question and answer number one from the New City Catechism). By God’s grace, her growing faith in the hope of Christ is fully realized now.
No description of Winnie Kate would be satisfactory or complete without talking about how much she loved taking care of her “babies.” Whether those babies were her baby dolls, her brothers, her pets, or children outside of her home as well, Winnie committed herself to the hard work of nurturing and cherishing those she loved.
Her family often called her a little momma because she has been mothering her babies since she was old enough to hold a baby doll.
Her mother modeled biblical motherhood so well for Winnie that it was natural for her to do the same. At the root of Winnie’s mothering instinct is a genuine love for others. This was one of her greatest strengths. She loved people with all that she had to give. Her brothers have said over and over that “she was the best sister.” Other friends and family have praised her kindness and compassion.