giving opportunities

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Disciple the Nations
P.O. Box 201
Magnolia, AR 71754

> General Fund – This fund supports the operational costs of international gospel ministry. Supporting the General Fund helps us to keep our administrative costs to missionaries at 5%.
> Missionaries/Church Planters – Supporting DTN missionaries means you partner with individuals and families who are giving of their lives to take the gospel to the nations.
> Staff – Supporting our staff means that you are ensuring churches and missionaries have access to a great team of servants who make every effort to ensure they can accomplish their tasks.
> Ministry Initiatives – DTN serves in gospel partnership; we partner with churches and missionaries to accomplish the Great Commission. Partnership is not only our niche, it is our need.
At DTN, we strive to steward well the gospel resources entrusted to us by God through our financial partners. Acknowledging our role as stewards, we also strive to maintain the highest standards of financial accountability and transparency as seen by our accreditation by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (EFCA). The ECFA is an agency that grants accreditation to Christian ministries who demonstrate responsible stewardship by complying with standards of financial accountability, transparency, fundraising, and board governance.