Marton & Rachel Csiha
Missionaries to Hungary
The Csiha Family, Márton, Rachel, Samuel, Nathanael, and Daniel, serve in Oroszlány, Hungary. They started their ministry in Hungary in 2014, and three years later moved to a former communist, mining town to revitalize a small Baptist church with only a few members. Since then, the church has gradually grown in attendance and membership as well, along with a lot of children. They are responsible for leading, teaching, discipling, and evangelism, as Márton serves as one of the pastor-teachers. The church has a Mommy Baby Club and a Royal Rangers youth ministry through which they can connect with unbelieving families and share Christ with them. Being the only healthy, biblical, Gospel-preaching church in the greater area, recently, new families have been driving from a far distance. There is a great need for more solid churches, and therefore a training center for future pastors and elders. Our long-term calling is to supply this need and play a role in further church planting.