DTN Church Network

Faithful churches and pastors want a faithful missions partner. They also want to fellowship with faithful, like-minded believers. This is why we’ve created the DTN Church Network.

The DTN Church Network is not a new denomination. It is a fellowship of churches that partner together for cooperation and community. Our churches share deep, theological convictions about the Scriptures, the Church, the Gospel, and God’s heart for the nations. Having these shared convictions allows churches to contribute toward a coordinated effort for church planting and missions, and to enjoy the fellowship and encouragement of one another.


Our churches come from a variety of backgrounds and denominations, and many continue working within their denominations today. Joining our network does not require disconnecting from other partner entities, rather, it means linking arms with us in a deliberate effort to advance gospel proclamation and church planting around the world.

Churches within our network partner by giving directly to DTN’s mission, which works to send missionaries, plant churches, and equip others for healthy, biblically-faithful ministry. Churches partner at different dollar amounts, some at a percentage of their annual budget, and others at a monthly, scheduled amount. Regardless of the amount, every contribution significantly impacts the gospel-centered work that this closely aligned network is committed to.

In addition to the financial partnership, churches and pastors engage in like-minded fellowship and have opportunities to invest in and encourage each other through online and in-person gatherings. Despite being a young network, we are growing and aim to offer national and regional conferences available soon.

Churches in the network immediately benefit from having a reliable missions partner who offers coaching and tools necessary to serve well in Great Commission ministries. They also gain full access to all of DTN’s resources, seminars, consulting, and other services.


Interested in learning more about DTN’s Church Network? Fill out the form below and we will be in touch!