We started in 2019 with a small group of Christians who were passionate about seeing Christ glorified through Great Commission ministries. We set out to partner with churches to ensure missionaries are well-equipped and are supplied with consistent encouragement and robust, personalized support. We believe this support enables missionaries to persevere for the long-term requirements of discipling mature believers and establishing healthy churches. Our prayer is that these faithful, gospel-centered ministires will bear fruit for generations to come.

Scripture is our ultimate authority, and it directs our mission and method.
We have a high view of God, the gospel, and the Bible. We joyfully acknowledge the Bible is our authority that instructs us how to glorify God in all areas of our life and ministry. Therefore, we seek to be biblically faithful and theologically driven in our missions methodology. Scripture clearly teaches how a person can be saved and how the church is the pillar and buttress of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15). These truths focus our efforts on gospel proclamation, sound discipleship, and establishing and strengthening local churches.

We are church-centric.
We believe the Great Commission will be fulfilled through the local church, which is why we have a church-centric focus in all we do. We come alongside churches to be a resource that can assist in sending and shepherding missionaries who will work to serve local churches throughout the world. All our efforts, both “here” in sending and “there” in service, will be aimed for the growth and good of the church.

We aim for mature disciples, not just converts.
We believe the Great Commission is more than evangelism. It includes establishing healthy, reproducing churches that can teach them unto maturity (Ephesians 4:12-16; Colossians 1:28-29) and equip them to multiply (2 Timothy 2:2) until the gospel of Christ is believed and obeyed in every tribe, tongue, and nation.

We believe missionaries should be well-sent.
Paul thanked the Philippian church for their “partnership in the gospel” (Philippians 1:5) as their prayers, encouragement, and financial support helped him accomplish his mission. Too many missionaries today lack this type of partnership. DTN, in a cooperative effort with churches, ensure missionaries are well-equipped for their task and seek to provide the best care and support possible for them so that they can serve faithfully for the glory of God.

We want to steward gospel resources well.
We are a “full-service” missions agency. By providing quality resources in-house and by operating on only a 5% administrative fee, we work to reduce the costs required to send missionaries. We want to ensure more resources reach the field, and by God’s grace, we believe this will help us have a greater impact over time.