learn spanish
Stewarding Effective Language Acquisition for God’s People

Personalized Learning to Help You Meet Your Goals

> Pre-field instruction in “every day” language to ease the transition to overseas life
> Enhance and encourage your language and cultural acquisition
> Christian educators to help with technical theological and ecclesiastical language for Bible lessons and sermon preparation
> Personalized learning targeted to include your specific tasks or ministries; i.e. business, construction, medical, or theological language
> A formal language school that satisfies the learning prerequisite required for missionary service at a drastically reduced price! Save over $5,000 compared to other language schools!

> The world is shrinking and cultures are moving closer together. We can provide you with language learning to equip you to reach Spanish speakers near you.
> Sending short-term teams to Latin America? We can help them add Spanish to their tool-belt to deepen their impact as they build relationships and share Christ.
> Help with understanding the Latino culture as you seek to reach them in their heart language.

We provide a comprehensive, formal language training, or quality, supplemental tutoring for before, during, or after your formal training.



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No problema! Our program is designed to fit all levels. Students will have an initial placement test to ensure they begin studying at a comfortable level.
We do our best to work around your schedule. Contact us to schedule a time for you.
That depends on your goals. Missionaries doing formal language study will have 3-4 hours of classes daily with extra hours of tutoring and practice. Other students may only want to study 1 hour/week as a refresher, or as they begin to learn a new language. Most non-missionary students study from 1-10 hours each week.
Classes cost $12/hour for individuals. We do offer a discount for missionaries and couples/small groups.